MCG Philharmonics


The MCG Service Learning group had its origins traced to the early half of 2020 when a couple of students hosted an online musical concert. Since then, our goal is always to spread the passion of music and help others in need.

Throughout the last couple years, the MCG club has created and hosted 3 charity concerts and numerous concerts towards people with disabilities, elders and geracomiums, volunteers during the pandemic and many more. All donations were delivered directly to non-profit organizations via school or directly. Adapting to internet culture, we also have a WeChat Channels account, a NetEase Podcast station, and a Bilibili video platform to share our musical works.

As we have always participated in music related events and gave out amazing performances, our club members will also be actively preparing and recording performances as a chance to show our efforts as well as practicing together offline afterschool. Besides, our club plans to hold more charity concerts, to donate more charitable funds to those in need as a mean of volunteering and retuning back to society.

With a clear goal and ambitious dream, MCG has made a considerable social impact in the past school years and has ambitious goals for developing internationally. As the MCG Philharmonics Club, the MCG is looking forward to continuing the path of sharing music with everyone and support the ones in need through charity. When words fail, music speaks.